Neat Science

Neat Blogs

Science… translated

No matter how good your science is, if you don't translate it and convey the right simple messages, your findings stay in the lab or in your list of scientific publications. This blog is here to talk about science and how it applies to our lives, to ask the right...
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Vitamin D and COVID-19: First results are out!

End of May 2020, 7 clinical trials were examining the effect of vitamin D supplementation on COVID-19 outcomes. Today, October 6, 2020, 26 clinical trials are registered, at different stages of execution, with only one having already published results. So I dove into the findings, very eager to find out...
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Vitamin D and COVID-19: ongoing intervention trials

As I had mentioned in my first post on Vitamin D, there is no causal relationship yet established between the intake of vitamin D and the rate of COVID-19 infections or mortality. Since then, more than one research group have communicated preliminary results on the positive association of Vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency with the...
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The sunshine vitamin during lockdown

According to google trends, "social distancing" is one of the most frequently searched terms on the net as people seek clarity regarding global recommendations facing the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, data shows that the term has reached peak popularity mid-March in a matter of 2 weeks (1). Social distancing is...
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